Amalgam Free Dentistry

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Amalgam Free Dentistry Chisholm

Amalgam Free Dentistry

Here at Vogue Family Dental, we use amalgam-free fillings. Even though amalgam has been used for many years, modern filling materials are much more effective and are far more biocompatible with your natural teeth.

One of the main issues with amalgam is its tendency to flex when it comes under pressure, or when it is in contact with hot and cold. This is why we prefer to use composite resin to invisibly repair cavities in teeth as it will not flex or change shape.

If you have older amalgam fillings then we will monitor their condition as all fillings need to be replaced periodically. When the time comes, we can safely remove the amalgam so your teeth can be repaired with composite resin. Our practice also follows strict protocols to ensure the amalgam is disposed of correctly.

If you would like to know more, please call us on (02) 6291 5533. We are located at 2/26 Benham St, Chisholm ACT 2905.

Vogue Family Dental

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Saturday 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

After hours appointments available on weekdays

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